“One day we must come to see that the whole Jericho Road must be transformed so that men and women will not be constantly beaten and robbed as they make their journey on life’s highway. True compassion is more than flinging a coin to a beggar. It comes to see that an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring”
-The Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., “Beyond Vietnam” speech April 4, 1967
Jericho Road Episcopal Housing Initiative STRIVES each day to fulfill the words spoken by Dr. King so many years ago on that day in April. We believe that our work must embody not just the easy compassion of giving resources and assistance to those struggling in our community, but the truly arduous work of RESTRUCTURING systems that produce and prolong the struggle of our residents in New Orleans. Each facet of our work is informed by this larger goal of creating a community and city where the opportunity to live a life with dignity and build wealth for our children is afforded to ALL people.
Road has undertaken several projects that hold true to our founding ideals: our
development of affordable housing, financial education programs, workforce
development program, owner-occupied rehabilitation projects, community
engagement efforts, and so much more. Our work is designed with the ultimate
goal of not only providing relief from current challenges that community
members face, but also teaching our most vulnerable families how to escape the
tendrils of poverty once and for all. It is our belief that by creating
invested, thriving, and safe communities of homeowners that we can ensure
long-term success for these families and communities. We are working to get one
step closer to ending the inequities that plague our community, such as the
skills gap, racial wealth gap and low educational attainment.
Please join us on January 20, 2020, as we celebrate The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
a man whose wise and compassionate words and life work reminds us each day of
and our CALL.
for working with us and fighting to end the inequities in the New Orleans
To learn more about Dr. King’s life, please read HERE.