Jericho Road’s team would like to thank Ellen Waller and Matthew Durousseu for their contributions to our work this spring! We recognize we cannot do this imperative work without talent, expertise and innovation of young leaders from across our great city!

Ellen Waller served as our Research and Writing Intern. She supported the research and writing efforts for fundraising and special projects. Ellen is a sophomore at Tulane University, where she is pursuing a double major in Mathematics and Political Economy. Currently, Ellen maintains a 3.8 grade point average. She has been an Associate Editor of Tulane’s student-run newspaper, The Hullabaloo, and has interned with the Tulane Center for K-12 STEM Education. She has spent her last few summers working as a counselor at the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama Camp McDowell. Ellen is a native of Birmingham, AL.
Matthew Durousseau served as our Communications and Marketing Intern. He supported marketing and communications efforts to improve the organization’s digital presence. Matthew is a sophomore student at A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University majoring in Marketing and Finance. Matthew is a Posse Scholarship Awardee. At Tulane University, Matthew has hit the ground running, participating in many clubs such as Black Student Union, Campus Service Advisory Board, The Sophomore Finance Career Leadership Program, and the Academy of Politics. He serves as a leader on campus through his role as a Residential Advisor in one of the first-year Residence Halls. During the summer of 2018, Matthew interned at SRO Housing Corporation, an affordable housing organization. He also volunteered at NOLA Wesley/Community Outreach focusing on the homeless population in Los Angeles. Prior to moving to New Orleans to attend Tulane, he founded Food for the Homeless, an organization in Los Angeles, CA that fed homeless and low-income people. The Achievers Trust Community Service Scholarship recognized Matthew for outstanding work in his community. Matthew is a native of Los Angeles, CA. |