Dear Friends,
I hope this message finds you well!
We are so very grateful for your continued support of Jericho Road’s work during this very trying time. Despite the unprecedented challenges we have all faced in 2020 and now into the first half of 2021, our staff has met them, head-on, with determination and resiliency. We have continued our mission of comprehensive revitalization and adapted our programming to meet the changing needs of the community, resulting from the pandemic.
Covid-19 Pandemic
Jericho Road remains committed to providing the much needed resources to our community during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have seen the severe impacts of the pandemic on communities all over the world, especially communities of color. Black and Brown communities saw disproportionate rates of infection and death due to the virus which highlights the racial inequities that have been realized within our health care systems across country. Additionally, these communities were also more likely to lose employment, making it even more difficult for them to recover from the economic crisis that follows. This economic instability has forced a large percentage of individuals and families we serve to carry larger amounts of debt into the future. This makes Jericho Road’s work, particularly our individual financial coaching, even more critical. As our leadership team has been working through the difficulties of providing the best opportunities to our clients and community, we are making sure our staff is safe, healthy and well.
As we emerge from the pandemic and transition from response into recovery, we are faced with difficult decisions involving the equitable allocation of resources by the government and philanthropy. Jericho Road has been working collaboratively with coalitions and community groups to advocate for affordable housing for residents throughout metro New Orleans. We remain steadfast in our commitment to support the movement to close the racial wealth gap through affordable homeownership, financial education and workforce development opportunities.
National Homeownership Month
This month is National Homeownership Month, and after a year of sheltering in place, we’ve realized that the concept of home has never been more important. Jericho Road has been working to address the needs of homeowners during the pandemic by providing support and access to resources that ensure the sustainability of their most valuable asset, their home. The various foreclosure and eviction moratoriums issued to protect those who have suffered loss of income are soon coming to an end. We must now evaluate where we are and work to develop policies and programs, on the Federal, State and local levels, that serve to address the most pressing needs of our citizens, preserve homeownership and create greater housing stability.
To learn more about housing security as we emerge from the pandemic please read “The Future of Homeownership in a Post-Pandemic Economy,, published by our national partner, Prosperity Now, whose primary mission is working to close the racial wealth gap.
Homeowners who are behind on their mortgages and are in need of financial assistance and help negotiating forbearance and loan modifications can reach out to Southeast Louisiana Legal Services (SLLS) to apply for assistance. Applications are available 24 hours and can be completed online or by calling 1-855-786-2955 Monday – Friday, between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m., excluding holidays for assistance. Additionally, our partners at the United Way of Southeast Louisiana have re-opened their Mortgage and Rental Assistance Fund.
Jericho Road – Project Homecoming 15th Anniversary
This year, Jericho Road and Project Homecoming are proud to celebrate our 15th Anniversary as organizations providing affordable housing opportunities and resources that advance community development in the Greater New Orleans area. Over the past fifteen years, our collective impact has included over $40M in investments, development of 107 single-family homes, co-development of 263 rental units and the completion of 294 home rehabilitation projects. We have also expanded our development footprint throughout the multi-parish, New Orleans Metropolitan area. We look forward to continuing our overall mission to provide families with assets to support their economic mobility for generations to come. We remain committed to supporting our community’s ability to find housing and manage wealth through individual homebuyer coaching and financial wellness initiatives and workshops that all continue to take place virtually. As more people are able to receive the vaccine, we foresee safely transitioning back into more in-person programming.
We look forward to celebrating our 15th Anniversary with you throughout this year!!
Thank you for your continuous support of this vital work!
Please stay safe and well,
Nicole Barnes, Executive Director